Cancer Treatment Diet Plan

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I am currently receiving Cancer treatments– Can I still receive meals from Meals on Wheels Inc. of Tarrant County? YES!

Meals On Wheels Recommended Meal Plan
Regular diet with a choice of Skim Milk, Low-Fat Milk, Chocolate Milk, or Calcium/Vitamin D Orange Juice.

Diet Implications

What is the purpose of a diet for patients receiving cancer treatments?
Many patients receiving treatments for cancer show nutritional deficiencies. Nutritional care is important for prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recurrence risk reduction, and for relieving side effects of cancer and its treatment.

What are the nutritional recommendations of a diet for patients receiving treatment?
Specific modifications of the diet are based on patient tolerance, tumor site, treatment and associated side effects, stage of disease, and any preexisting diseases/disorders requiring nutrition therapy. Protein energy malnutrition is the most common secondary diagnosis in cancer patients. Increasing energy and protein intake is the most important intervention for improving nutritional status. Radiation-induced side effects can cause generalized poor intake of micronutrients which may result in deficiencies. Greater losses of electrolytes may occur with radiation-related nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Also, chemotherapy can have a direct effect on micronutrient levels.

Tips for eating when side effects of treatment are harsh:

Early Satiety:

  • Small, frequent meals
  • Energy-dense liquids between meals to meet fluid needs. Consume fluids 30 minutes before or after meals/snacks
  • Limit intake of gas-producing foods
  • Avoid high-fiber foods that may contribute to satiety and tend to be low in energy
  • Foods should be chewed well and meals eaten slowly in a relaxed atmosphere
  • Adjust fat intake to a tolerated level


  • Use anti-nausea medications as prescribed
  • Sip fluids separately from solid foods to help maintain hydration and settle stomach
  • Fasting is discouraged as it may cause hypoglycemia and worsen nausea
  • Small, frequents meals/snacks
  • Cold or room temperature foods may be better tolerated
  • Avoid high-fat, high-fiber, spicy, or gas-producing foods
  • Alcohol is discouraged
  • Wear loose clothing when eating