Client Eligibility

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Volunteer with Client Receiving MealTo be eligible for home-delivered meals from Meals On Wheels of Tarrant County, a person must be homebound (even for a short time), be unable to prepare a nutritious meal, and have no one to help him or her on aĀ regular basis. Eligibility is based solely on need and does not depend on age or income.

Clients may make a voluntary contribution toward the cost of their meals if they are able to do so; however, no one is ever approved or denied services based on their ability to make a voluntary contribution.


Application Process

Anyone may recommend a person to be considered for receiving Meals On Wheels services. Most of our referrals come from family members, hospitals, home health agencies, friends, and clients themselves.

We accept referrals online and over the phone at 817-336-0912.

After we obtain basic information over the phone, we assign a caseworker to each person. Caseworkers try to set appointments with potential clients within two working days of receiving the application.

We must have a client’s name, address, and phone number to attempt a home visit. At the time of the referral call, we try to obtain information about the client’s health problems as well as date of birth, Social Security number, doctor’s name and phone number, and emergency contact names and phone numbers.

Would you like to refer someone to Meals On Wheels? Complete our referral form.