Gastroesophaeal Reflux Diet Plan

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I have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease– Can I still receive meals from Meals On Wheels Inc. of Tarrant County? YES!

Meals On Wheels Recommended Meal Plan
Regular Diet with skim milk beverage

Diet Implications:

What is the purpose of a Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-conscious diet?
To minimize the reflux of gastric fluid into the esophagus and to limit foods that irritate the esophagus. GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) occurs as a result of obesity, or ascites and scleroderma. Complications may include esophageal ulcers, esophagitis, and peptic esophageal strictures which can be greatly relieved with a GERD-conscious diet.

What does the diet consist of?
A GERD diet consists of limiting certain foods from all food groups in order to relieve gastroesophageal distress. Such foods that cause gastroesophageal distress are foods that are high in fat, as well as chocolate, alcohol, mint, carbonated beverages, citrus juices, tomato products, and coffee.

What are the nutritional recommendations of a GERD diet?
Depending on how certain foods affect your reflux will determine what foods you can tolerate. For example, if citrus fruits and juices are not tolerated, alternative foods high in vitamin C (such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, and strawberries) should be in- corporated into your diet. High-fat meals tend to decrease LES pressure (lower esophageal sphincter; low LES pressure will increase distress). Decreasing dietary fat will not only increase your LES pressure, but it will also promote weight loss for the overweight/obese patient. Obesity increases intragastric pressure and promotes reflux. Weight loss will decrease the distress. (Talk to your physi- cian before starting a weight loss regimen).

How can I make my GERD-conscious diet work with the Meals On Wheels regular diet plan?
The regular Meals On Wheels diet plan contains adequate nutrients to provide you with a healthy meal. As long as you stay away from whole milk, chocolate milk, and orange juice, the skim milk beverage is a great choice for your GERD diet.

Aside from my Meals On Wheels food, what other GERD-conscious foods can I consume for snacks and my third meal of the day?

Well-Tolerated Foods:

  • Fat-free, low-fat milk and yogurt
  • Plain breads and muffins made with low-fat ingredients
  • Low-fat cookies
  • Nonfat or low-fat dressings and mayonnaise
  • Fresh, frozen, and canned fruits as tolerated
  • Lean meat and poultry without skin
  • Potatoes without added fat (butter, etc.)

Foods Associated with Distress:

  • Whole milk and chocolate milk
  • Croissants, biscuits, doughnuts, granola
  • Gravies, butter, margarine, cream cheese
  • Fried meat and sausages
  • French fries and potato chips

Additional Tips:

  • Maintain upright posture during and 45-60 minutes after eating
  • Avoid eating within 2-3 hours before bed
  • Elevate the head of bed 6-8 inches when sleeping
  • Try problem foods in small quantities as part of a meal