
Meals On Wheels Delivery


Meal Delivery in Tarrant County

Your help is needed to deliver meals toĀ homebound residentsĀ in your neighborhood one day a week, Monday through Friday. Individual and group opportunities are available.

Friend to Friend

You can become a friend to a homebound, elderly or disabled client in your neighborhood by making weekly home visits at your convenience.

Special Events

Meals On Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County has special events throughout the year that raise funds for our home-delivered meals. Casino Night, Legends Luncheon, and the Golf Classic, are staffed by volunteers to plan, organize, and run the events.

Client Services Needs

Many of our clients are isolated socially and depend on Meals On Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County for additional services. Volunteers in our Client Services program directly enhance the life of these clients.

On-Call Volunteers

Be on call to help with office mailings, staff a booth for community volunteer and health fairs, and contribute to other special projects.