The Client Assistance program helps our homebound meal recipients when they need additional help to live in their own home in a safe and healthy environment. Many clients have no support system in place to help them with errands or minor home repairs. These individuals depend on Meals On Wheels volunteers for these much-needed services. Through the Client Assistance program, we partner with:
- Professional contractors who donate their time and skills to make minor repairs to electric, plumbing, HVAC, and construction.
âHandymanâ volunteers who address unsafe situations by repairing or replacing things such as broken floor tiles, leaky faucets, broken doors and windows, or minor roof repairs that create a safety hazard for the client. Volunteers also help by installing grab bars, window unit air conditioners, and more.
- Faith-based and other community organizations that help with group projects such as painting homes and mowing/clearing overgrown lawns.
None of these services could be provided without resources, funding, and volunteers like you. Financial contributions are appreciated and may be designated for Client Assistance projects. These funds will be used to purchase items for clients with specific needs. A little of your time can mean a lot to a homebound person.
For more information about our Client Assistance program or to volunteer, contact Jennifer Flynn via email or at 817-258-6433.