January 27, 2017 â LON SMITH ROOFING TO HELP MEALS ON WHEELS CLIENT IN NEED OF NEW ROOF. Lon Smith Roofing and Meals On Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County have teamed up to ensure 61-year-old Meals On Wheels client can remain in his home. Lon Smith Roofing, a long-time Meals On Wheels partner, will replace the roof on Mr. Walterâs home free of charge on Monday, January 30, 2017. Meals On Wheels volunteers made patch repairs to clientâs home two years ago, but the leaks continue in other areas. Due to Mr. Walterâs extremely limited income, he has been living with the leaky roof, unable to stretch his very limited income to cover repairs.
About Lon Smith Roofing: When Lon Smith began his small roofing company in 1974, he never dreamed it would grow into one of the largest and most successful roofing contractors in the United States. Today, having served in more than 14 cities and seven states, Texas based Lon Smith Roofing has replaced in excess of 100,000 roofs and is the largest residential roofing company in Texas, forging the most TRUSTED name in the roofing industry. Lon Smith Roofing consistently ranks as one of Americaâs Top 25 roofing contractors by leading industry trade publications.