Thank you for helping Meals On Wheels continue its mission during the COVID-19 crisis. Your volunteer service is an integral part of our ongoing effort to deliver essential meals to those most at risk in our community. We appreciate you! The following items may help you and our clients stay safe as you deliver meals. Please contact me if […]
Volunteer Announcements
Click on the title of each story to expand the post or to activate links in the text.
March 11, 2020 – COVID-19 Update
Tarrant County has now seen its first presumptive positive case of Coronavirus. There are also a small number of cases in nearby counties. While having even a few confirmed cases in our community is cause for concern, the risk of exposure to the general public is still extremely low in North Texas. The best way […]
March 9, 2020 Coronavirus Update
Meals On Wheels of Tarrant County is closely monitoring the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation and is in regular communication with Tarrant County Public Health Department to stay updated with the latest local, state and federal information and prevention measures. On this morning’s weekly call with Tarrant County Public Health, they reported that no confirmed cases of […]
Open on Friday, July 5th.
We will be open for regular meal delivery on Friday, July 5th.
Holiday Closing
We will be closed on Thursday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. There will be no meal delivery on July 4th. We hope that you have a safe and happy holiday!
A Few Good Men
We are looking for a few good men! Our Friend to Friend client waitlist is full of male clients who are waiting to be matched with a friend. If you know a great guy who might be interested in this rewarding volunteer opportunity, have him contact Sarah at 817-258-6426 or
Meal Delivery Times
Please remember that meals cannot be delivered before 10:30 a.m. This is a regulation from the Texas Department on Aging. We ask all of our clients to be home during the meal delivery window of 10:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m.
May 2019 Side Dish Volunteer Newsletter
Click on the following link to view the latest edition of the Side Dish volunteer newsletter. Click Here
March 2019 Volunteer Recruitment
Click here to view the 2019 volunteer recruitment flyer. Click here
February 2019 Side Dish Volunteer Newsletter
Click on the following link to view the latest edition of the Side Dish volunteer newsletter. Click Here