Volunteer Opportunities

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Caring volunteers freely give of their time and personal resources to ensure that our homebound, elderly and disabled clients receive a nutritious meal. These compassionate individuals do more than just provide a meal and a friendly home visit. They are trained to contact our office if a client does not answer the door. This daily safety check gives many of our clients and their families an added peace of mind.

In addition to delivering meals, there are lots of ways to give back to the community by helping our homebound, elderly and disabled clients remain living independently in their own home.

Meal Delivery

Your help is needed to deliver meals to people in need in your neighborhood. Volunteers typically deliver meals only one day per week, Monday-Friday between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.  Individual and group opportunities are available. Learn more about meal delivery

Home Visits to Combat Isolation and Loneliness

You can enhance someone’s life by simply being a friend to an elderly or disabled person who may have no visitors.  Through our Friend to Friend program, you can develop a friendship with a homebound client who may have no other visitors.  Best of all, you can do this on your own timeline.  CLICK HERE to learn more about our Friend to Friend program or contact us at Volunteer@mealsonwheels.org.


Client Assistance

Through the Client Assistance program, we help our homebound meal-recipient clients when they need additional assistance to live in their own home in a safe and healthy environment. Assistance is specific; once an item or service is provided, the client’s level of impairment or need is immediately improved. Learn how you can help a client in need

Donate an Item(s)

You may make a none-cash or in-kind contribution to Meals On Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County. Below we have provided information and suggestions for commonly-donated and much-needed items.
Personal Items
Food Pantry
Holiday and Seasonal Gift Ideas